The Most Effective Tools for Creating Best-Selling Products

Creating a product that solves your own problem can be a great way to start a business. When you create a product that solves a problem you personally have, you have a unique advantage.

You know the problem inside and out, and you know what would make a good solution.

In this article, I am going to walk you through the most effective brainstorming activities for creating unique, and desirable products.

Here are some tips for creating a product that solves your own problem:

One: Identify Your Problem

The first step is to identify the problem you want to solve. Think about a problem you personally have that you wish could be solved, especially in your niche. It could be anything from a household chore to a work-related issue.

From making a product that slightly improves upon an existing product, to one that saves time or steps in a process.

Also Read: Discovering your Niche

Two: Brainstorm Solutions

Once you have identified your problem, the next step is to brainstorm solutions. Think about what would make the problem go away, or at least make it easier to deal with.

Write down as many solutions as possible, no matter how unrealistic they may seem.

How to Brainstorm Solutions

  1. Use Mind Maps: Mind maps are a great tool for brainstorming solutions. Write your problem in the center of a blank page and then branch out with all the possible solutions.

  2. Think Outside the Box: When brainstorming solutions, try to think outside the box. Consider all possibilities, even if they seem unlikely. One of my favorite techniques for thinking outside of the box is: "What would the villain do?" By playing this game, you think of everything that could break and make a scenario worse. For example: If you are trying to help people keep a clean home, ask yourself how could they make their home less tidy.

    Collect a list of all things a villain would recommend. Like, "Scatter your cleaning supplies throughout the house in unlikely places or better yet, throw away all of your cleaning supplies." Take your list of villain suggestions, and write solutions that would assure none of these things would ever happen.

    So, your suggestions would be: "Make sure you have everything you need on hand, in an organized manner and in a convenient place to grab. In fact, here is a full list of recommended cleaning supplies and brands, as well as how to organize in a way that makes cleaning fast and easy." This type of brainstorming just produced several ideas of what someone would need to have the cleanest home possible.

  3. Collaborate with Others: Collaborating with others can provide new perspectives and ideas. Work with a team or seek feedback from friends and family. Research forums and experts for clues on how a digital product might solve prodblems in our niche.

  4. Break the Problem Down: Sometimes a problem can seem overwhelming.

    • Break the problem down into smaller, more manageable parts

    • Brainstorm solutions for each part.

  5. Think About Your Target Audience: When brainstorming solutions, think about your target audience.

    • What would they find most useful?

    • What would they be willing to pay for?

  6. Research Similar Products: Researching similar products can provide inspiration for solutions. Look at what's already on the market and consider how you can improve upon it.

    If you are adding a product for the first time, find a similar product on the market that has a decent number of consumer reviews.

    What are their biggest quibbles with their digital good?

    • Do they wish it came in different page formats? Offer the proper dimensions for multiple markets.

    • Do they not have the software that they need to open the file? Make sure you offer a file that can be opened by free and easily available design software.

    • Are the unfamiliar with how to use Canva? Include a beginner download booklet for them.

  7. Write Down Every Idea: When brainstorming solutions, write down every idea that comes to mind, no matter how crazy or unrealistic it may seem. You never know when an idea might spark a new and better solution.

Three: Test Your Solutions

Once you have a list of possible solutions, it's time to test them out. Try out each solution and see which one works best. Ask friends and family to try out your solutions and provide feedback.

For each time you test your solution, you refine and add to your product, making something helpful and necessary for others.

Four: Refine & Market Your Product

Based on your testing and feedback, refine your product. Make improvements and adjustments until you have a product that solves the problem effectively.

Once you have a product that solves your problem, it's time to market it. Share it with friends, family, and on social media. Create a website or online store where people can buy your product.

Creating a product that solves your own problem can be a great way to start a business. By identifying your problem, brainstorming solutions, testing your solutions, refining your product, and marketing it effectively, you can create a successful business that solves a problem and meets a need. So don't be afraid to tackle your own problems and turn them into profitable solutions.


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